
about me

Hello! I am Audrey.
This website is a tracker of my reflections, ideas, projects and explorations of possible futures.
I love to be involved in social and environmental projects and worked for the last few years in the area of innovation with a service design approach.
I joined the Master in Design for Emergent Futures at IAAC to continue exploring these topics and develop new skills to find new ways for us as humans to have a positive impact on the planet!

about this website

The content shared online has a huge impact and step by step, I am trying to reduce the carbon footprint of this website. There are many ways to have a minimal environmental footprint, and I am using the following resources to do it:

The guide to digital eco-design by the French collective Designers Ethiques

How to build a low tech website by the Low Tech Magazine

Making a low tech site by the Low Tech Lab

I reduced the size of images using the dithering online tool Dither it.