ideas for a first intervention in term 2
As explained in the final reflection of term 1, even though I was part of a collective focused on alternative ways of learning, I know I will want to focus of the topic of Rural Futures for this second term as I feel I have a stronger interest in this.
There are different topics that I would like to address with a potential intervention.
Here is a link to my new design space, I created a new one with the topics I want to continue exploring during Term 2.
The main topics will be
autonomy, rural futures, food sovereignty.
I am still researching and starting to engage with communities for the rural futures topic without yet having an intervention in mind. I just joined a
consumer cooperative in Gracia where a group of people buy directly from a producer based in Maresme and started a few years ago his ecologic exploitation. So my next steps to explore this topic will be meeting with this producer and other people that initiated agricultural projects in Catalunya to find out how I could contribute and get involved in this movement.
Concerning autonomy and self organized communities, I would like to
experiment creating new cooperation dynamics at the scale of my building.
If, like most people in cities, I don't have the opportunity to live in a cooperative house, what can I do in my building? How to create more meaningful relationships with people who live around us?
A first step would be to create a poster to invite neighbors to have a discussion and see what they are willing to "share". It could be at the same time a way to create new social ties and lean towards more sustainable habits (find ways to to limit our energy consumption at the scale of the building, share objects, buy in bulk from organic producers...)
I would also like to start the initiative with others from the MDEF collective in their buildings to be able to compare and try different things.
First ideas and inspirations are documented on my design space here.